We live out the Gospel more faithfully together when we gather as a church family. Member Meetings are an opportunity for the church family to come together to worship, pray, and celebrate all that God is doing in our midst. When we get together, we recite our church covenant together. When we do this we affirm our commitment to honor God in our lives and hold each other accountable. Often times we will baptize those who have expressed a clear testimony of their faith in Jesus. In addition, prospective members that have completed the membership class and membership interviews are presented to the church body to affirm their membership.
Member Meetings typically take place at 5:00 PM in the Worship Center every other month on odd months (January, March, etc) on Sunday evenings nearest to the middle of the month. All members of McGregor are encouraged to participate in Member Meetings and those considering church membership are welcome to attend and observe.
Do you have a question about our Member Meetings? Click the button below to contact us today.
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