
Picture of married couple outdoors

The Education Ministry of our church is a very important part of who we are at McGregor. The goal of our Bible Study inside a Life Group is to provide life application based lessons that will offer everyone the opportunity to learn God’s Word together. We want to provide a place that will help you to grow in your relationship with God. We are committed to building Life Groups that minister to the individual and care for one another. Life Groups are a priority here at McGregor and we encourage every member to be a part of a weekly Bible Study in one of our Life Groups.

Young Married Adults​

No one ever said marriage would be easy. You are trying to juggle your career, your family, your finances, your time with your spouse and maybe even raise a child or two along the way. To say the least, marriage can be challenging. The heart of our Young Married Division is found in our weekly Bible Study inside a Life Group that meets on Sunday mornings. Our Life Groups welcome everyone, no matter where you are in life and regardless of your background. We are there to learn and grow with you.

Ages 18-29

F206 (Faith Building)

9:30 AM

Leader: Mike Whitt

Ages 24-39

H100 (Hope Building)

11:00 AM

Leader: Mark Bricker

Ages 24-45

F201 (Faith Building)

9:30 AM

Leader: Josh Martin

Ages 29-45

205 (Joy Building)

9:30 AM

Leader: Omar Edwards

Median Married Adults​​

Median Adult Life Groups are designed to strengthen your relationship with God, your mate, and other couples just like you. The core of this ministry area is the weekly Bible Study inside a Life Group that provides a place where adults can discover God’s plan for their life, work, family and marriage. Each Life Group strives to provide a place where couples can connect with other couples for fellowship, encouragement and support.

Ages 35-59

F203 (Faith Building)

9:30 AM

Leader: David Miller

Ages 45-59

J208 (Joy Building)

9:30 AM

Leader: Mike Hess

Ages 45-59

H185 (Hope Building)

9:30 AM

Leader: Derek Bradley

Ages 45-59

J204 (Joy Building)

9:30 AM

Leader: Dave Kreller

Choir & Orchestra

Choir Room

(Worship Center)

9:30 AM

Leader: Brian MacLeod

Spanish Speaking


(Faith Building)

11:00 AM

Leader: Peter Finch

Parents of MS/HS Students

J202 (Joy Building)

9:30 AM

Leader: Bill White


3750 Colonial Blvd.
Fort Myers, FL 33966


Thank You

simple message

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