Journey Together Spring 2025

Journey Together is our Wednesday evening discipleship experience for the whole family.

Wednesday Night Lineup

Fellowship Dinner
Family Ministry at McGregor

About Our Family Ministry

Preschool activities are available for those with preschool-aged children (birth-K). Our Children’s Ministry provides a fun learning environment for Elementary School students. Both Preschool and Elementary classes are held in the Hope Building. Middle and High School Students (grades 6-12) can participate in our Student Ministry activities inside the Grace Building.

On-campus Class Options - 6:30 PM

Midweek Bible Study: What Christ Thinks of The Church: Exposition of Revelation 2-3

What does Jesus Christ think of the church? Many have opinions, but Christ himself has given us the answer. In the opening chapters of Revelation, the risen and exalted Christ speaks directly to seven churches, offering both praise and rebuke. His words, recorded by the Apostle John, remain as relevant today as they were in the first century. Join us for this in-depth Bible study as we explore these seven letters and uncover Christ’s call to His church.

Taught by Teaching Pastors and Leaders

Room:  H100 (Hope Building)

Regular Class Option

Classes range in various areas of biblical study. Some classes are a one-time study, while others are offered throughout the year.​

Five Lies of Our Anti-Christian Age

Christians are called to stand strong in God’s truth. Today’s culture is changing the meaning of love, identity, and sexuality in ways that go against the Bible. Through Scripture, discussion, and real-life examples, we will learn how to recognize false ideas and respond with truth and grace.

Taught by Jonathan Bowman

Room:  H184 (Hope Building)

Regular Class Option

Classes range in various areas of biblical study. Some classes are a one-time study, while others are offered throughout the year.​

Men’s Bible Study: Acts Part 3 (Chapters 13-19)

One of the primary reasons that the early church took off is that Barnabas and Paul loved people the way that Jesus loved them, unconditionally and sacrificially. They loved people with courageous, unconditional, sacrificial love that put the eternal best interests of others above themselves. It takes courage to love people the way that God loves us. For Barnabas and Paul, love was the supreme virtue in the Christian life and the primary source that fueled their courage in the face of relentless opposition.

Unless you love people as Jesus loves you, you will never be willing to put your faith on the front lines. So dare to love people like Jesus loves you.

Taught by Josh Martin

Room:  F202 (Faith Building)

Regular Class Option

Classes range in various areas of biblical study. Some classes are a one-time study, while others are offered throughout the year.​

Women’s Ministry: Lessons From The Life of Samuel

God called and chose Samuel to the roles of prophet, judge, and king-anointer during an important era in Israel’s history. It was a tragic season of crisis and calamity for God’s people.
Christians today are not immune to crisis and continue to face challenging circumstances. However, we can choose how we will respond to trials. Will these defining moments turn us toward God and cling to His Word or turn us away from God and reject His Word?
Join us for an Old Testament study of life lessons from the story of Samuel, who lived a godly life without compromise for the glory of God and His redemptive purpose. We will discover together how God uses trials and triumphs to display His mighty work in and through His chosen people.

Suggested Resource: ESV Illuminated Scripture Journal: 1-2 Samuel

Taught by the Women’s Ministry Teaching Team

Room:  Fellowship Hall (Hope Building)

Regular Class Option

Classes range in various areas of biblical study. Some classes are a one-time study, while others are offered throughout the year.​

Online Class Option

ZOOM Women’s Ministry: Lessons From The Life of Samuel

God called and chose Samuel to the roles of prophet, judge, and king-anointer during an important era in Israel’s history. It was a tragic season of crisis and calamity for God’s people.

Christians today are not immune to crisis and continue to face challenging circumstances. However, we can choose how we will respond to trials. Will these defining moments turn us toward God and cling to His Word or turn us away from God and reject His Word?

Join us for an Old Testament study of life lessons from the story of Samuel, who lived a godly life without compromise for the glory of God and His redemptive purpose. We will discover together how God uses trials and triumphs to display His mighty work in and through His chosen people.

Suggested Resource: Life Lessons from 1 Samuel: The Importance of Finishing Well

Interactive style study taught by the Women’s Ministry Teaching Team
Live Zoom Teaching, Mondays at 6:30 PM, starting April 28.

Volunteer Opportunities

Preschool Ministry: Birth – Kindergarten

Join our preschool team on Wednesday nights! Every week we get to share God’s love with children ranging from birth through kindergarten. If you have a heart for children, we’d love to talk with you about joining our team.

Wednesday nights at 6:30 PM

First floor Hope Building

Children’s Ministry: Grades 1-5

Are you excited about what God is teaching you through His Word? On Wednesday evenings, we are teaching 1st – 5th graders Bible skills, drills, and thrills! This fun and active teaching experience draws boys and girls into a love for the Bible, and you can be part of impacting them for His Kingdom.

Wednesday nights at 6:30 PM

Second floor Hope Building

Worship Choir & Orchestra

The Praise and Worship Ministry is searching for members who feel led to join with us in singing or playing praises to the Lord.

Wednesday nights at 6:30 PM

Room: Choir Room/Orchestra Room – Worship Center

For More Information

Please use the contact information below with any questions.

Sandy Grizzard

Sandy Grizzard


Thank You

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