Journey Together 2025 Winter Part 2

Journey Together is our Wednesday evening discipleship experience for the whole family.

Wednesday Night Lineup

Fellowship Dinner
Family Ministry at McGregor

About Our Family Ministry

Preschool activities are available for those with preschool-aged children (birth-K). Our Children’s Ministry provides a fun learning environment for Elementary School students. Both Preschool and Elementary classes are held in the Hope Building. Middle and High School Students (grades 6-12) can participate in our Student Ministry activities inside the Grace Building.

On-campus Class Options - 6:30 PM

Midweek Bible Study: Lessons From The Upper Room, A Study of John 13-17

What would you give to spend an evening with Jesus—hearing Him teach, watching Him serve, and listening as He prays for His followers? That’s exactly what we encounter in the Farewell Discourse of John 13-17. As the shadow of the cross loomed, Jesus shared His final hours with His disciples, preparing them for His death, comforting their troubled hearts, and interceding for them before the Father. In this study, we will walk through this vivid picture of Christ’s ministry, from His washing the disciple’s feet to His High Priestly Prayer, showing us the very heart of Jesus. Join us as we study God’s Word together and learn Lessons From The Upper Room

Taught by Teaching Pastors and Leaders

Room:  H100 (Hope Building)

Regular Class Option

Classes range in various areas of biblical study. Some classes are a one-time study, while others are offered throughout the year.​

Basic Evangelism Training: Way Of The Master

Always wanted to share the Gospel, but not sure how to start? The Way of The Master series will train believers in a group setting to simply and confidently share the Gospel with family, friends, and strangers. If you are interested in learning biblical ways to share the Gospel, then you’ll want to attend Way Of The Master evangelism training.

Taught by Bill Parlier

Room:  H185 (Hope Building)

Regular Class Option

Classes range in various areas of biblical study. Some classes are a one-time study, while others are offered throughout the year.​

The Vanishing Conscience

In a world that increasingly downplays sin and shifts blame, have you found yourself struggling to recognize sin in yourself or others? This course will challenge you to confront the culture’s retreat from moral responsibility by grounding yourself in the truth of God’s Word. Together, we’ll explore why sin must be addressed to live a life that honors God and discover biblical solutions for pursuing personal holiness. Join us as we learn how to move from denial and excuses to a life of peace, freedom, and spiritual integrity.

Taught by Mark Bricker & Cody Stiling

Room:  H184 (Hope Building)

Regular Class Option

Classes range in various areas of biblical study. Some classes are a one-time study, while others are offered throughout the year.​

Men’s Bible Study: Acts Part 2

The mandate of the Great Commission to go and make disciples of all people groups is a command for every true follower of Christ, not just for those who have the gift of evangelism. God wants every disciple to be a dynamic witness for Him. This is the Big Idea that runs throughout the first twelve chapters of the book of Acts. 
Peter was just a fisherman, untrained in the fine details of theology, yet the Holy Spirit used him in dynamic ways to bring many people to a saving faith in Jesus as the Messiah. So how can we be like Peter and share our faith with others in effective ways even when we’re scared and may not really want to?  Join us, and find out how.

Taught by Josh Martin

Room:  F202 (Faith Building)

Regular Class Option

Classes range in various areas of biblical study. Some classes are a one-time study, while others are offered throughout the year.​

Women's Ministry: The Parables of Jesus Part 2

Join us for this study of some of the most well-known Parables told by Jesus during His brief ministry on earth. We will explore a variety of these different symbolic stories recorded in Scripture, such as the Good Samaritan, the Prodigal Son, and the Rich Fool to: (1) uncover their meaning, (2) gain a greater knowledge of Jesus and His Kingdom through His Word, and (3) learn how these biblical narratives point to the larger storyline of the gospel message of Christ.

Taught by the Women’s Ministry Teaching Team

Room: Fellowship Hall (Hope Building)

Suggested Resource: The Parables of Jesus: A 12-Week Study (Knowing the Bible)

Regular Class Option

Classes range in various areas of biblical study. Some classes are a one-time study, while others are offered throughout the year.​

Online Class Option

ZOOM Women's Ministry: The Parables of Jesus Part 2

Join us for this study of some of the most well-known Parables told by Jesus during His brief ministry on earth. We will explore a variety of these different symbolic stories recorded in Scripture, such as the Good Samaritan, the Prodigal Son, and the Rich Fool to: (1) uncover their meaning, (2) gain a greater knowledge of Jesus and His Kingdom through His Word, and (3) learn how these biblical narratives point to the larger storyline of the gospel message of Christ.

Interactive style study taught by the Women’s Ministry Teaching Team Live Zoom Teaching, Mondays at 6:30 PM, starting March 10.

Suggested Resource: The Parables of Jesus: A 12-Week Study (Knowing the Bible)

Volunteer Opportunities

Preschool – DIG IN! Birth – Kindergarten

Join our preschool team on Wednesday nights! Every week we get to share God’s love with children ranging from birth through kindergarten. If you have a heart for children, we’d love to talk with you about joining our team.

Wednesday nights at 6:30 PM

First floor Hope Building

Children’s Ministry – Grades 1-5

Are you excited about what God is teaching you through His Word? On Wednesday evenings, we are teaching 1st – 5th graders Bible skills, drills, and thrills! This fun and active teaching experience draws boys and girls into a love for the Bible, and you can be part of impacting them for His Kingdom.

Wednesday nights at 6:30 PM

Second floor Hope Building

Worship Choir & Orchestra

The Praise and Worship Ministry is searching for members who feel led to join with us in singing or playing praises to the Lord.

Wednesday nights at 6:30 PM

Room: Choir Room/Orchestra Room – Worship Center


Thank You

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